Yunuen Rhi
Yunuen Rhi are a two-spirit performance artist, anthropologist, martial arts instructor and healer. Our roots are in Mexico, the United States, and Korea. We have cultivated ourselves in western, eastern, native medicine pathways and practices as a way to deepen the understanding of “selves.” Our performance interest lie in ritual and social practice as a way to create effective bridges between performance and community needs in a decolonial setting. We have worked with native communities from Mexico and their diasporas in the US., through the creation of native language and culture revitalization efforts. Having specialized in border, gender studies as well as indigenous epistemologies the clear message that we want to constantly ask is what is our merit and for whom are we working. If it is not for the next seven generations and their surroundings then something has already poisoned our will. Engendering a high quality of being for all humans is the duty of all peoples especially those at the forefront of leadership and business because they have the most resources to aid in the expansion of consciousness or conversely, add to the misery of humanity.
Photo by Varial Cédric Houin