All of us or None of us: Environmental Racism and Intersectionality at the Forefront

March 25, 2021 | 5:00pm
2021-03-25 17:00:00 2025-01-14 22:48:42 All of us or None of us: Environmental Racism and Intersectionality at the Forefront <p>East Yard womyn and gender non-conforming members share on the intersections of their identities and collective fight against environmental racism.&nbsp;</p> America/Los_Angeles public



East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ) is a community-based organization that works to facilitate self-advocates in stolen Tongva territory, also known as East Los Angeles, Southeast Los Angeles and Long Beach. Through grassroots organizing and leadership building skills, EYCEJ works to enable communities of color to be heard, which in turn influences policy change, policy makers and agencies that can institute health protective environmental justice policies that are in the best interest of local, regional, and statewide residents.

This powerful panel of East Yard womyn and gender non-conforming members will speak to the  intersections of their identity and our collective fight against environmental racism. All of us or None of us: Environmental Racism and Intersectionality at the Forefront will be moderated by Cindy Donis.

East Yard Communities for Environmental Justice (EYCEJ)
Website | Instagram 

The Wanlass Artist in Residence Program is made possible by generous support from the Kathryn Caine Wanlass Charitable Foundation.

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