November 30, 2018
| 6:00pm TO 8:30pm
On view: Nov 26 - Dec 2
U-R-U: Aren’t You, by Keith Skretch is an outdoor video installation conceived in collaboration with the Oxy Department of Theater’s concurrent production of "U-R-U", a world envisioned by playwright Julia Lederer where impeccably lifelike robots have relieved humanity of the need to work.
The 2-channel site-specific architectural video installation, viewable nightly in the Fowler-Johnson courtyard, recasts the building facades as video billboards from an eerily adjacent present, as oversized human forms broadcast the benefits of an artificial life: service, obedience, simplicity. But as humankind’s progress lurches drunkenly forward with each new technological novelty, manufactured obsolescence trails close behind.
The Ettinger Projected Poetry and Art Project is a public art project that infuses the written word and images into everyday moments around campus. Presented nightly for several hours each semester through spring 2020, the rotating exhibitions will project provocative and intellectual work on frequently viewed spaces on campus, inspiring deep collaborations between the arts and digital sciences and building pathways and partnerships that mirror our increasingly pluralistic world.
The Ettinger Projected Poetry and Art Project is made possible by the generous support of Jane and Bob Ettinger.
Click here for directions to the Fowler-Johnson Courtyard.