Oxy Arts Initiate! "Ad(dressing) the Self: Consuming Meta-Goods through Fashion"

November 15, 2018 | 5:00pm TO 8:00pm
2018-11-15 17:00:00 2018-11-15 20:00:00 Oxy Arts Initiate! "Ad(dressing) the Self: Consuming Meta-Goods through Fashion" <p>Join us for "Ad(dressing) the Self: Consuming Meta-Goods through Fashion" by Oxy Arts Initate! recipients Sam Peck-Sanders, Kendrick Shoji, and Julian Strauss Biro.&nbsp;</p> America/Los_Angeles public

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Oxy Arts Initiate! recipients Sam Peck-SandersKendrick Shoji, and Julian Strauss Biro present "Ad(dressing) the Self: Consuming Meta-Goods through Fashion".

 "Ad(dressing) the Self: Consuming Meta-Goods through Fashion" is an installation that explores the contemporary relationship between identity and consumption through the cultural significance of fashion advertisement. Drawing upon notions of the indeterminate self, this collaboration will satirically deploy aesthetic advertisement as solutions for the fragmented human condition.

The exhibition takes the form of a multimedia project featuring a series of clothing collections and a video installation. The items are respectively designed, curated, and marketed in an effort to provoke discourses regarding the phenomenon of purchasing selfhood. The video installation, inspired by and in critique of the genre of runway films, seeks to coalesce the motifs in the clothing collections and additionally explores the effects of the digital landscape as the domain through which this phenomenon is predominantly realized.

On view: Nov 15 - Nov 23

Sam Peck-Sanders ‘20 is a CSLC major/studio art minor from Brooklyn, New York.

Kendrick Shoji ‘20 is a MAC major from New York City.

Julian Strauss Biro is an undeclared sophomore at Oxy hailing from New York City.

White mannequin heads with the text Ad(dressing) the Self; Consuming Meta-Goods through Fashion