Oxy Arts Speaker Series: Beatriz Cortez & Candice Lin in conversation

February 7, 2019 | 7:00pm
2019-02-07 19:00:00 2025-03-31 16:33:09 Oxy Arts Speaker Series: Beatriz Cortez & Candice Lin in conversation <p>Oxy Arts Speaker Series brings multidisciplinary LA-based artists to Occidental College to engage our community in conversation about their art, their inspirations, and why they do what they do in Los Angeles today.</p> America/Los_Angeles public

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About the artists:

Beatriz Cortez is a Los Angeles-based artist and scholar. A professor of Central American Studies Department at Cal State Northridge, Beatriz was born in El Salvador and migrated to the United States in 1989. Her work explores simultaneity, life in different temporalities and different versions of modernity, memory and loss in the aftermath of war and the experience of migration, and in relation to imagining possible futures. Beatriz's latest exhibition Trinidad / Joy Station is currently on view at the Craft Contemporary.

Candice Lin is an assistant professor in the UCLA Department of Art and an interdisciplinary artist who works with installation, drawing, video, and living materials and processes, such as mold, mushrooms, bacteria, fermentation, and stains. Candice Lin is the 2018-19 Occidental Wanlass Artist in Residence. Her exhibition The inscrutable speech of objects is currently on view at Weingart Gallery.

For more information, click here.

The Oxy Arts Speaker Series is made possible by the Arts and Urban Experience Initiative, which is generously funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

Oxy Arts