Senior “comps,” or comprehensives, reflect Oxy’s educational philosophy of learning deeply and independently. Comps are the senior-year theses, field research projects, art exhibits, presentations or creative works required by academic majors at Oxy to demonstrate mastery of the subject. Each discipline defines its expectations differently, but they all challenge students to expand and excel intellectually, and place the capstone on their educational experience.
Studio Art majors at Occidental College develop a command of their field and hone their ability to place their work into larger art historical, social, and conceptual frameworks. Projects may include, but are not limited to, the production of a new body of work and/or scholarly research.
Stretching Between engages in the space between past, present, and future, highlighting themes of growth, evolution, and change. This exhibition explores the relationship between artists' perceptions of their work and the audience's, working to challenge fixed gazes within the art community. Stretching Between is rooted in the art of surrendering, relinquishing control over the uncertainty of the future, and exploring the self within the fluidness of art.
Exhibiting Artists:
Emily Na-Kyung Bush
Nola Clancy
Ella Naomi Gonchar
Dylan Emeline Herbert
Emily "Em" Lee
Emma Rose Tiedemann